Wednesday, November 07, 2012

November 6, 2012... The Christian's Calling...

I am certain I will not be the only person expounding simple truths over the next few days, weeks, months or years for that matter.  My thoughts and opinions are of no great significance apart from the man God has made me.  I hope and pray any rhetoric I might express will ultimately glorify the Lord and bring change first to my own heart.  That being said, I am still blessed to be born in the greatest and most free nation in the world.  There are still men and women doing everything they can around the world to gain entry and citizenship into the United States of America, some even to the point of death.

As a conservative Christian voter who votes first morals and ethics, I am disheartened at how the election of 2012 ended.  I voted early, and I voted conservatively.  I was not concerned too much that there was a Mormon running for office, I was more concerned about his views on Biblical issues, such as abortion, marriage and religious liberties.  America's voters spoke loud and clear on November 6th, 2012.  As Dr. Susan McManus(USF) stated recently, "America has placed ethical and moral issues on the back-burner this election."  The nation has changed.  Where once we were a nation of men and women that stood for truth and righteousness, we have traded our morals and ethics for our own desires.

What are Christian voters to do now?  When more than 50% of voters are voting in opposition to the standards which we hold dear, Christian values and ethics will eventually disappear unless there is an American Great Awakening.  A president was elected into office that has stated that the Tea Party needs to go which is an infringement upon our freedoms, he told the Russians that he would have more freedoms after the election to reduce our military sovereignty as a nation, he closed his eyes to the terrorist actions in Libya and then lied about it, he stated that voting was a way of revenge...  funny how he is willing to bring revenge upon those opposed to him in his own nation, but won't stop the killings of our own people at the hands of terrorists, he is the most pro-death abortion politician this nation has ever embraced, he supports gay-marriage, he stated that this country was no longer a Christian nation, he and fellow dems booed the name of God on a national platform, and the list goes on and on...  Not only this, but more states are accepting gay-marriage as acceptable, they are legalizing drug use, they are denying parental rights to the knowledge of their minor daughter's abortions, and Christianity is being attacked more and more.

Many Christians have been trying to make a difference one vote at a time.  Is this our calling?  Are we to remain silent in America and try to vote morals and ethics into our great nation.  It is obvious that this will no longer work in our nation.  We can no longer try to legislate morality by changing the laws one election at a time.  This is the wrong approach to changing humanity.  We are not called to vote only, we are called to speak.  Believers need to change their tactic back to their original calling.

Christians are called to change the world one person at a time not one vote at a time.  Followers of Christ are called to share the Gospel not share our political agendas.  I am guilty.  I have been more politically minded in recent days.  I have politicized more than I have prayed.  I have preached more on the subject of the presidency than I have on the Savior.  If Christians desire to see "hope and change" then it has to come through the eternal hope and change that only Christ can offer.  If we want to make an impact on the life of others and the people of our nation, we must share the truth of God's Word and the necessity for all men to receive Jesus as both Lord and Savior.  Change can only come when there is a heart change.  Hope only exist in the eternal hope we have in the Eternal One.  Christians do your calling.  You can't save anyone, but God uses you to be the catalyst by which some will be saved!  This is our calling.  The time is short, so we must work while there is still light left in the world.


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