Friday, June 09, 2006

The 'Pride' of America

Since when did sexual preference become a characteristic of ethnicity and a thing to be celebrated? You never hear about parades and educating people on little boys kissing little girls in the school yard. Oh yes, Georgie Porgie kissed the girls, and he even got a little quip written about him, but the story ends with all the girls crying and then Georgie fleeing for his life from the boys that came out "play". Why is it so necessary to educate people on sex anyway? Now, I am all for teaching purity and abstinence until marriage, because that does not hurt anyone. It is sexual activity that is destroying lives!But we want to celebrate the "lifestyles" & "preferences" of people. What about the man that wants to marry his pet cat? What about the consenting 13 year old girl that wants to live with 24 year old man because she "loves him?" Would not it be wonderful to see two 15 year old consenting young men celebrate their "lifestyle" & "preference?" Should we not be a society of celebration for these other "preferences" & "lifestyles?" How are these any different? We are a very PROUD America. Our pride has grown so deep, we are drowning in its depths. Oh yes, I may be somewhat blinded myself by my narrow-minded views, but I don't expect to participate in a Heterosexual Monogamous Parade of Families this coming weekend, and I am definitely not going to take it into our courtrooms to fight for the right to stand up in the town square and proclaim my "hetero-normative" behavioral lifestyle. I'm here! I'm straight! Follow me, before it's too late! I'm here! I'm straight! Follow me, before it's too late! What am I supposed to do? Sit idly by while the world becomes increasingly more "PRIDE"ful? Well, I suppose it would be inappropriate for me to speak about such things, because then I would just be full of fear & a bigot? I would be on the side of hate and against acceptance! I suppose that I would be disrespectful to others, and probably very soon, coming to your town near you, an outcast because of my inappropriate views of others lifestyles! We may be more prideful, but we should be more ashamed than anything!
Recently, I wrote a report for one of my classes regarding a student who was attending a Christian College, The University at Cumberlands, who decided to 'come out'. I would like to add this paper to this critique. The news story can be found here:
William Shakespeare stated, “oh, what a wicked web we weave, when at first we aim to deceive.” As a Christian man seeking after the truth of God’s Word and Will, one can sense the news report of the young man being expelled from the University of the Cumberlands as a story being written years before the actual incident. The heart of this story encompasses the tragic tale of a young man and his desire to attend a specific University and having those “dreams crushed” due to a lifestyle choice that conflicts with the schools standards as outlined in their catalog. Is it truly a tragic tale though? Was it not only a matter of time that such an incident would be attracting major headlines and international media from around the world? There is an “agenda” that is being propagated within the society to normalize a specific human behavior that at one time was documented as being abnormal within psychological journals. Mr. Dreyer, the student who was expelled from the University, applied to a Baptist college knowing his lifestyle choice and subsequently, knew what the repercussions would be if ever his choice would become public. It is quite evident that Mr. Dreyer’s decision to publicly announce his sexual preference was not only a bad choice on his part, but everything that he has done seems to be premeditated leading to this end result, the normalization and propagation of homosexual lifestyles. It is quite deceitful to go about attracting attention to oneself in such a manner. Of course, if this particular article is to be addressed by anyone on the opposite side of this critique, it is certain that those opposed to Mr. Dreyer will be “labeled” as being a bigot, discriminative, “homo-phobic” or “homo-normative.” Since when did a choice of sexual preference become a characteristic of ethnicity? Mr. Dreyer is obviously morally and ethically bankrupt. Quite understandably, hateful actions or wrongful words should be discouraged and condemned against this young man and others like him. However, people need to take a long look at what is actually occurring in this situation. This occurrence is not a random act, and similar incidences are happening more frequently. Throughout this entire article, which was written obviously with a bit of partiality, one can see the trend of how the media source is reflecting one side’s dismay at the situation, while the other side is either not being represented nearly at all or is being viewed in a negative light. The news article itself becomes a story designed with the intention of propagating the alternative lifestyle. It is barely recognizable that the student in question not only broke the schools rules by living to a degree that is unethical and immoral, but the student was also so brazen to announce his stance publicly without considering the consequences. It is disheartening to see anyone being discriminated against, however here discrimination does not apply. The school is standing up boldly for Christian truth and ethics. One student within the article exclaims the following,
"They're being hypocritical, by Christian standards," Kuder said. "If we love each other, accept each other for who we are, why are they kicking him out? I almost feel like they're trying to mold us, me, into a person that I wouldn't want to be.”
And what is wrong with teaching God’s Word especially within the halls of a Christian institution? Why do some choose to attend an institution of higher learning devoted to certain morals and ethics when they disagree with them and disband them for their own way of thought and belief? They do it because they have an agenda to cause division and to change the moral climate to their own religion. Mr. Dreyer will one day have to face his creator for his actions and the repercussions from his actions. God will not be and is not afraid of a sexual choice, He is not discriminating against a people group, He has not chosen “homonormative” behavior as His choice of lifestyle, God desires righteousness and holiness, and He is the absolute judge of the standards He has set and expects of His children, and all will have to answer for their lifestyle choices.

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